Sunday, October 21, 2012

Next week!

Next week. I'm going to lace up and get out for a run. My first run since the stress fx that kept me from the marathon 6 weeks ago. I'm excited & nervous. But mostly excited. I feel like my overall fitness is pretty good--I've been like a rat in a wheel at the Y. Lots of Some elliptical, spinning, rowing and deep water running. Now if this leg will just hold up. I'm thinking about getting some new, cushioned shoes to help ease the pounding on the pavement.

Taking a break from running is always a refreshing reminder of why I do it in the first place. I live in a great running community so I always see a lot of others out running when I'm out. However, that number seems to mysteriously multiply when I can't run for some reason. Everyone and their mother's uncle are out for a run when I'm resting. Seriously. I'm so glad I can stay connected in a way with the running community during my time off via Facebook and the ridiculous number of running blogs I like to frequent. I started this blog mostly for me. For my family & friends to see what I am up to so they can hold me accountable. I'm starting to think, though, that it may be a great opportunity for me to connect with others in a running/mothering camaraderie on this platform as well. We'll see.

I've been doing pushups! I'm up to about 133 in a matter of 5 sets. I will be at 100 consecutive pushups in no time! My husband (Hunter) has joined me--our little lady was even trying to mimic him doing them the other day. My dad and his wife are in on it, too! Family fun!

Fall is my favorite time to run. Crunchy leaves, brisk weather. The smell always reminds me of cross country and thus glory days...ahh, glory days. The photo above is from the I <3 to Run Facebook page, which I love. It's all about the positive message and feelings we get from running. You should check it out!

In addition, I've made a tentative race schedule so I'll be posting it soon! I know you are all super excited for it! What's on your agenda?

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